Rooted in God’s Word
What we believe is the foundation of everything we say and do at St. John Lutheran Church. Each one of our beliefs is rooted in Scripture.
God is eternal and uncreated. God is all-powerful and all-knowing. Yet, God is love. Scripture reveals one God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Genesis 1:1, I John 4:7-10, Matthew 28:18-20
God created all things simply by speaking. God’s Word is powerful to create new realities out of nothing. Everything God made is good. God placed humans in his world to exercise godly dominion over creation. All creation sings God’s praises if only we would listen and sing along.
Genesis 1:3, Isaiah 55:10-11, Genesis 1:28-31, Romans 1:18—20, Psalm 148
God created humanity in the image and likeness of God. God designed us to live in relationship. He created us to live in a right relationship with him and with those around us.
Genesis 1:26-27, Matthew 22:37-40
Sin is what separates us from God. Sin draws us in to our own self-centeredness and damages our relationship with God and our relationship with those around us. The Ten Commandments (along with our conscience) bears witness to the Natural Law (God’s design for human flourishing). Jesus took all the guilt and shame of every sin upon himself at the cross.
Romans 8:23-24, Exodus 20:1-17, II Corinthians 5:21
God’s Gospel shows us our savior. This Gospel (or Good News) is the proclamation that Jesus fulfills all of God’s promise to rescue and redeem and restore us to a right relationship with God.
Mark 10:35, Galatians 2:20, Ephesians 2:8-10
Baptism is God’s gift of inclusion to us. We’re included in Christ. God’s divine Name is spoken over our own names in Baptism. Though we are undeserving, He is not ashamed to be called our God.
Matthew 28:18-20, Romans 6:1-5, I Peter 3:21-22
The Lord’s Supper
The Lord’s Supper is God’s gift of Jesus’ body and blood to us to eat and drink. While this sacrament is mysterious, its benefits are not: Jesus tells us that in this sacrament we receive forgiveness.
Matthew 26:26-28, 1 Corinthians 10:16
the Bible
The Bible is a diverse collection of books that were originally written in Hebrew and Greek by many writers across a span of thousands of years. Though these books were written by humans, their true author is God. That is how the books together present one unified storyline by which God reveals his love for all people through Jesus.
II Timothy 3:14-17, John 5:39