At St. John, we love your kids!
Through various purpose filled activities, much planning, and many dedicated volunteers, we strive to provide the best youth ministry possible for the glory of God.
Our ministry strives to show children how to PURSUE God through heartfelt worship, PREPARE them to live their lives for God, and to PRODUCE disciples that share Jesus’ love with the world.
Our goals are to encourage students to:
- Spend time in Heartfelt Worship individually
- Grow with others in Harvest Groups
- Humble Service to family, church and community
- Healthy Homes – Connect to my life at home
Sunday School, JAM – Jesus And Me and LYF – meets weekly during the school year.
- Kingdom Kids (not currently meeting), JAM and LYF – Growing Disciples of Jesus
- Meets Wednesday Nights at 6:00pm.
- Sunday School meets Sundays at 9:15am.

Preschool 2-5 years old
1st-2nd Grade
- Know that God loves me and I am His child
- Know Jesus as my Savior who died on the cross for my sins
- Learn the Bible is God talking to me
- Talk with God in prayer

3rd-5th Grade
- Explore the Bible over 3 years and learn to navigate it
- Understand the Bible is true, inspired by God, and my authority for living
- Come to know Martin Luther

6th-8th Grade – (JAM Curriculum)
- Express what saving faith in Jesus means and why it matters
- Use God’s Word as a guide for living
- Come to know the catechism and what confirmation means to me

9th-12th Grade – LYF
- Live in community with other believers
- Believe God’s Word is my authority for life
- Discover how to live out my faith
- Become a leader within my church and community
For Parents
Parenting is a wonderful gift and we want to partner with you to raise up followers of Jesus who respond to life’s realities with a Christ-nourished LIFE. Every week we have family devotionals that update you on what your child is learning in Sunday School. It also shares some practical steps on how to encourage your child’s faith throughout the week. To receive a weekly devotion emailed to you, please sign up at our Welcome Center or email or call the church secretary at (419) 267-5266, [email protected].